Chapter 14 of The Catcher in the Rye was one of the more confusing chapters that I have read so far. I have always been able to follow his stream of consciousness, but in this chapter it was really difficult to follow. I think it's because we are starting to see Holden's real personality. It starts off with Holden talking about religion, specifically he targets Christianity and talks about Jesus and his disciples. Holden gets beat up in this chapter and after he lays on the floor for a while. (like with Stradlater) When he gets up to go to the bathroom he has one of his "ADD" moments where we see his stream of consciousness. Holden imagines himself in a movie with a bullet in his gut and walking around with his automatic gun. He finds Maurice and kills him. Holden then would get Jane to come over and bandage up his wounds. Since the book was based in the 1940's, and I'm not 70 years old, I had no idea what kind of movie Holden was thinking of. I thought of something from the movie, Home Alone.
This scene from the movie Angels with Filthy Souls reminded me of what Holden was talking about and it made me better understand what was going through Holden's head, especially considering how confusing Holden can be. I hope this video will make y'all better understand that part of the chapter. Because it really confused me when I was reading it. Now I see that instead of looking at this chapter as confusing, we can look at it as finally getting to see some of Holden's real personality. We finally see that he acts through his actions and we see some of his true personality.